Recovery from Hurricanes Delta, Laura and Ida continues across Louisiana.
Recovery from Hurricanes Delta, Laura and Ida continues across Louisiana. Those impacted by Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020 are still awaiting important assistance from the federal government. A supplemental appropriations bill providing for housing, economic support, infrastructure rebuilding, etc., recently passed the US House of Representatives and is awaiting action in the Senate.
Those southeast Louisiana communities impacted by Ida are dealing with the immediate aftermath of the storm. Temporary housing, food stamps, debris removal etc. are coming to these hard hit areas through FEMA, the State of Louisiana, local government and private aid organizations. While Ida impacted areas hope to receive some assistance from the current disaster supplemental bill being debated, there is an expectation of a supplemental appropriations bill later this year that will focus on mostly on Ida impacts.
HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for Louisiana Disaster Survivors (
Hurricane Ida Situation Reports (
FEMA: Hurricane Ida (